Service User Guide

Our Service User Guide

Dream Community Personnel Ltd’s Service User Guide gives the Service User information about what they should expect and what to do if they are unhappy with the service. It gives a summary of the main policies and procedures relating to our business and the expectations of our Care Workers.

Dream Community is a new healthcare and domiciliary agency offering social care services to clients in their own homes. We aim to promote independent living within Service Users’ own homes, whilst enabling them to pursue as full a life as possible.

If you require in-depth details of any of our policies or procedures, please do not hesitate to ask. We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission and by Domiciliary Care National Minimum

Standards as specified by the Care Standards Act 2000.

Dream Community is a member  of  the  United  Kingdom  Home  Care  Association  Limited (UKHCA) and plans to join the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC)

How to Contact us


Dream Community Personnel Limited

Thames Innovation Centre

2 Veridion Way,


DA18 4AL (Bexley Office)


Dream Community Personnel Limited

Open Doors Community Centre

Downs Road,


E5 8DR (Hackney Office)


Tel: 0208 985 2958/ 0208 320 1073

Mob: 07944 951 476 (24 hours a day)

Fax: 0208 985 2958 




At Dream Community we think there’s no place quite like home – that’s why we’re right behind those people who wish to remain at home and independent for as long as it’s possible to do so.

Our Domiciliary Care team specializes in providing dependable, high quality home care for individuals, local councils and other organizations. We select only those Care Workers with the special skills and qualities needed to provide the first-class level of care that our Service Users expect to have.

Our flexible packages are carefully tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual. Whatever the frequency and level of Care Worker’s involvement, the Dream Community name is a guarantee that it will always be a consistent, appropriate and thoroughly rewarding experience for the Service User.

Range of Services

We provide a range of care services throughout the east and southeast areas of London but extent to the Greater London and its nearest environs.

Our care workers are capable of providing a variety of services; this ensures that we are able to meet the needs of each individual Service User.

We are able to provide Care and Support Workers to assist with the following:

  • Older people
  • Older people in supported living schemes
  • People with dementia
  • People with learning difficulties
  • People with physical disabilities
  • People with autistic disorder

All our Care Workers have or are working towards NVQ level 2 or 3 in Health and Social Care, the Care Certificate or related studies.

Services we provide

Personal Care – We can provide assistance with personal care tasks such as:

  • Washing
  • Shaving (not wet shaving)
  • Oral care
  • Dressing
  • Toileting
  • Continence care
  • Feeding
  • Assist / Administer medication
  • Assistance getting in/out of bed


Other services – We can provide assistance with the following:

  • Making and changing bed clothes
  • Emptying commodes
  • Shopping
  • Paying service / utility bills
  • Collecting pensions
  • Laundry and ironing
  • Preparing meals and advising about healthy eating
  • Cleaning and vacuuming

Tasks that cannot be undertaken

Unfortunately, there are some tasks that our care workers must not undertake; this is because the task would put them or the Service User at risk.

Tasks that cannot be undertaken are:

  • Moving a Service User in circumstances where there is a risk of injury to either the Service User or the Care Worke
  • Moving heavy object
  • Carrying out clinical tasks.
  • Using equipment supplied by Service User which is faulty or dangerous

In addition, the following tasks are not covered by our service:

  • Gardening
  • Pet care
  • Cleaning windows


Care Needs Assessment

Before the Service User is offered a personal domiciliary care service, the care needs will be thoroughly assessed

A Domiciliary Care Needs Assessment will be undertaken before we provide a domiciliary care service (or within 2 working days in exceptional circumstances), by the care co-ordinator or registered Manager, with the involvement of the Service User and those close to them.

Issues that may arise include:

  • Personal care and physical well-being
  • Family involvement and other personal social contacts
  • Sight, hearing and communication
  • Continence
  • Mobility, dexterity and the need for disability equipment
  • Mental health and cognition
  • Medication requirements
  • Personal safety and risk
  • Condition-related needs and specialist input
  • Dietary requirements and preferences
  • Social interests
  • Religious and cultural needs
  • Preferred method of communication
  • Method of payment
  • Whether the Service User smokes

Information from the care needs assessment forms part of the Service User file so that care workers are aware of any special needs, the activities they are required to undertake and the outcomes to be achieved.

Service User needs will be reassessed annually, however, if a Care Worker reports changes to a Service Users care needs or there are circumstances, a reassessment of care needs can be undertaken.

Meeting Needs

Our Care Workers have the skills, experience and knowledge required to provide Service User care needs.

Care Workers individually and collectively, have the skills and experience to deliver the services and care which we offer and provide. The skills and experience of Care Workers are matched to Service User needs and they are able to communicate effectively with Service User, using Service User preferred method of correspondence.

Service  User  social/cultural  or  religious  requirements  and  preferences  will  be  identified,

understood and entered into Service User care plan.

Responsive Services

We provide a flexible, consistent and reliable personal care service

Our Care Workers are reliable and dependable and are able to respond to Service User needs and preferences which arise on a day to day basis. We provide services in a way which meets the outcomes identified in the Service User Care Plan.

  • The Care Worker will arrive at Service User home within the time band specified and will stay for the full amount of time allocated.
  • Upon arrival, the Care Worker will ask whether Service User have any particular personal care needs or requirements on that visit.


Care Workers will only be changed where there is a legitimate reason, for example:

  • Care Worker is sick, on holiday, undertaking training
  • The care Worker has left the company
  • If Service User requirements change and Care Worker does not have the necessary skills, physical capacity or specialist tr
  • Care Worker is unavailable for additional hours or changed times
  • If Service User requests a change of Care Worker for legitimate reasons
  • If a non-professional  relationship  has  developed  between  Service  User  and  Care Worker.
  • To provide relief for Care Workers working in stressful situation
  • To protect Care Workers from abuse or discrimination

If the change is permanent or likely to last for more than 30 days, we will notify Service User in advance whenever possible.



Service User personal information is handled appropriately and personal confidences are respected

All office staff and Care Workers employed by Dream Community Personnel Ltd have a duty to keep Service User information strictly confidential and to use it only for the  proper purposes in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998.

Service Users personal data held on computer or paper records, may be reviewed as part of the inspection and regulation process, including inspectors working on behalf of Care Quality Commission (CQC) and authorised employees of local authorities with whom we have contracts

  • but only if we provide care for the Service User on behalf of that specific local authority.


Circumstances in which information can be disclosed

We will only disclose information with Service User consent unless we are required to do so by law.

Storage and disposal of data

  • Service User personal file is kept in a locked cabinet.
  • Information we hold about Service User on computer is protected by password.
  • We dispose of records containing Service User personal information in a secure way.

Service User personal data

Service Users have the right to see personal data which we hold about them on computer systems or paper records.

Personal confidences

Any personal confidences a Service User shares with Care Worker will be treated with respect, ensuring that Service User privacy and dignity are maintained.


Breaches of confidentiality

All Dream Community employees are given training in confidentiality and are aware of when it is appropriate to share information. Breaches of confidentiality are dealt with under our disciplinary procedure.


Personal Care

At Dream Community, Service Users are treated with respect, dignity is preserved at all times and Service User right to privacy is always observed.

When we provide care to people living in their own homes, it is with the aim of enabling the Service User to sustain and, where possible, improve their independence. Service Users will be involved in decisions relating to their care and Service Users will be assisted and encouraged to be involved in their care activities.

Service User Care Plan

Service User care needs, wishes, preferences and personal goals are recorded in Service User personal Service User plan.

A personal Service User Plan is developed and agreed with Service User, taking into account the Care Needs Assessment and Risk and Manual Handling Assessment. The plan will take into account Service Users wishes and preferences in relation to the way in which care is provided and Service Users chosen lifestyle – on condition that it conforms to legal requirements and does not compromise the obligations of Dream Community Personnel Limited.

The Service User Care Plan sets out in detail what the Care Worker must do to meet Service Users assessed needs, including specialist needs and communication requirements. Any areas of flexibility will be identified to enable Service Users to maximize the Service Users potential and maintain their independence.

Care Workers are only allowed to undertake tasks which are specified on the care plan. If Service User would like assistance with a task not specified on the care plan, we can arrange to reassess Service User needs.

The Service User Plan is signed by Service User and is available in a language and format the Service User can understand.  Service User will be provided with a copy of Service User plan.


Privacy and Dignity

Service User will be treated with respect and dignity, maintaining their Service User right to privacy

Personal care and care is provided in a way which maintains and respects Service User privacy and dignity and with regard to Service User lifestyle.


What Service User can expect from us

  • Care and support will be provided in the least intrusive way possible at all times.
  • Service User and those close to them, will be treated with courtesy at all times
  • Service User will be addressed by their preferred name at all times.
  • Care Workers will be sensitive and respectful to the race, culture, religion, age, disability, gender and sexuality of Service Users and those close to them.


 Autonomy and Independence

Service User will be assisted to make Service User own decisions and control Service User’s own life and be supported in maintaining Service User independence

We will enable Service User to make decisions in relation to Service User’s own life and we will provide information, assistance and support where needed.

Service User will be encouraged, enabled and empowered to control Service User’s own finances unless prevented from doing so by mental incapacity or disability.

Care Workers will carry out tasks with Service User, rather than for Service User, with minimal intervention. Service User will be supported to take risks, as set out in Service User plan, with regard to health and safety.

Service Users are kept fully informed about the service Service User receives and will be provided with information in an appropriate format.

Care Workers will communicate with Service User in Service User’s first or preferred language.. Limitations on Service User lifestyle or human rights to prevent self-harm or self neglect or abuse or harm to others will only be made if it is in Service User’s best interests and in line with our legal responsibilities. Any limitations will be recorded in full within the risk assessment and plan for managing risks and will be entered on the Service User plan.

Medication and Health Related Activities

Our policies and procedures on medication and health related activities which protect Service User and assist Service User to maintain responsibility for Service User’s own medication and to remain in Service User’s own home


Assisting with medication

Care Workers may only provide assistance with taking medication in accordance with the care plan.



  • Service User must arrange for Service User pharmacist to have Service User medication dispensed into a medi-pack or blister pack so Service User can be helped with Service User medication safely. Care Workers are not allowed to assist with medication unless it has been dispensed in a medi-pack or blister
  • Care Workers must never, in any circumstances administer medication which has not been prescribed, give medication to Service User against Service User’s wishes or alter in any way the timing of the doses. This includes the administration of “over the counter” medicines and remedies.
  • Care Workers are unable to administer eye drops or eye creams or apply any cream which has not been prescribed.



Whenever a Care Worker assists with medication in Service User home, they will place a record in the medication administration record immediately after the medication is administered;  the record should include dosage given, date and time of medication and method of administration.

If Service User Care Worker advises Service User to see or call Service User’s G.P. or other health care professional, they will make a record in Service User’s file, which will be signed and dated.



The health, safety and welfare of Service User and our Care Workers is promoted and protected

At Dream Community we have systems and procedures in place to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety legislation and comprehensive policies and procedures for health and safety management, to protect our Care Workers and Service Users.

Our Care Workers undertake health and safety training as part of their induction and they attend refresher training on an annual basis. Among the topics covered are:

Moving and handling

Basic first aid

Food hygiene

Control of substances hazardous to health

Infection control

Fire safety

Our Care Workers are also instructed on dealing with accidents and emergencies and know how to report such incidents. They are provided with personal protective equipment (gloves, aprons, hand sanitizer) and know when to use it.


Risk  Assessment

The risk of accidents and harm happening to Service User and Care Workers in the provision of personal care is minimized

A risk assessment will be undertaken by a trained and qualified person before the Care Worker commences work. This will identify any potential risks associated with the provision of care, including any risks associated with medication and other health related activities. The risk assessment will be updated annually or more frequently if necessary.

The risk assessment will include an assessment of the risks for Service User in maintaining Service User’s independence and living in Service User own home. The views of Service User and Service User family/representatives will be taken into account.

A separate moving and handling risk assessment will be undertaken if Care Workers are required to help Service User with any manual handling task, such as assisting Service User in the shower or helping Service User to get out of bed. Any equipment should be in a safe condition to use and inspections by the manufacturer should be up to date.

A plan to manage risks will be drawn up in consultation with Service User and a copy will be in Service User’s plan for Service User and Care Worker to refer to.


Financial Protection

Service User’s money and property is protected at all times whilst we are providing the care service


Money and gifts

As part of Service User care package, we can arrange to collect pensions, pay bills and do shopping for Service User. Any transactions will be recorded on the financial transactions log in Service User’s file and receipts will be provided for Service User to keep.

On occasion, Service User may wish to express thanks to the Care Worker by making a gift. We feel it is important to maintain a professional service and we do not allow our Care Workers to accept gifts or money.

Care Workers are not allowed to accept bequests in wills; nor are they allowed to act as witnesses on wills or other legal documents.


Service User property

Our Care Workers are not allowed to lend money or property to Service User, nor are they allowed to borrow or buy property from Service User, or look after goods belonging to Service User.


Service User Protection

Service Users are protected from abuse, neglect and self harm.

Service Users are safeguarded from any form of abuse or exploitation including physical, financial, psychological, sexual abuse, neglect, discriminatory abuse or self-harm or inhuman or degrading treatment through deliberate intent, negligence or ignorance in accordance with our written policies and procedures. Our Care Workers receive training on protection of vulnerable adults and prevention of abuse.


Security of Service User’s Home

Service Users are protected and are safe and secure in their home. Care Workers ensure the safety of Service User and their home at all times when providing personal care.


Access to Service User home

Care and Support Workers must not take unauthorised people or pets into Service User home, or admit anyone without checking their identity and receiving Service User permission.

All Care Workers are issued with identity badges, bearing their photograph and expiry date. They are required to be carried/worn at all times and shown when entering a home, or whenever asked for identification. Do not be afraid to ask to see the badge.


Safe keeping of keys and codes

If Service User is unable to let Care Worker into Service User’s home him/herself, it may be appropriate to have a key safe fitted. This will allow Service User and Care Worker access to Service User’s key so they can let themselves in.

Under no circumstances should Service User give a Care Worker a set of keys to Service User’s property without the written consent of Dream Community management. If Service User do so without our knowledge, we will not be responsible for any loss which may occur.

Service User’s keycode will be kept confidential and only Care Workers who need to know the code will have access to it.


No Response

If Service User’s Care Worker arrives at the allotted time and is unable to get access to the property, they will contact the office and a telephone call will be made to Service User’s next of kin.  If the Care Worker knows Service User will not be in when a call is scheduled, please call the office to give 24 hours’ notice to cancel the call.

Securing Service User home

When Care Worker leaves, they will ensure that windows and outer doors are secured, unless Service User request otherwise.


Damages and breakages

Care Workers will always, whilst providing care to Service User, treat Service User’s property and possessions with respect. However, on occasions accidental damage and breakages can occur. Dream Community accepts no liability or responsibility for this type of damage. We would recommend that claims should be processed through Service User’s own home insurance.


Records kept at Home

Service User’s health, rights and best interests are safeguarded by maintaining a record of key events and activities undertaken in the home in relation to the provision of personal care

Records will be kept in the home and updated on each visit, in relation to:

  • Assistance with medication, including time and dosage and other requests for assistance with medication
  • Financial transactions undertaken on Service User’s behalf
  • Detail of any changes in Service User’s health, physical condition and care needs
  • Any accident (however minor) to Service User or Care Worker
  • Any other incidents or information which may assist other health or care workers

Service User will be informed about what is written and Service User and his/her family/representatives have access to the records. Records will be factual and will be signed and dated. The records will be removed on a monthly basis and transferred to Service User’s personal file based in the office premises of Dream Community.


Managers and Care Workers

Recruitment and Selection

Service User’s wellbeing health and security are protected by our policies and procedures on recruitment and selection.

At Dream Community Personnel Ltd, we have a rigorous recruitment and selection procedure which meets the requirements of legislation, equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice and ensures the protection of Service User and Service User’s family.


Requirements of the Job

All managers and Care Workers are provided with written job descriptions identifying their responsibilities and accountabilities and are issued with a copy of Dream Community’s Care and Care Workers’ (employee’s) handbook. Care and Support Workers are aware of any activities which should not be undertaken and know what is required of them in their role.


Training and development

Care Workers are appropriately trained to meet Service User’s personal care needs

We have a structured induction process and training programme which is designed to meet workforce training targets. Our induction process includes shadowing an experienced Care Worker prior to taking responsibility themselves for the provision of personal care services and working alone in the homes of Service Users.

Our Care Workers receive training on all health and safety requirements including manual handling, prior to working alone.

Training and development requirements are reviewed annually at Care Workers appraisal.



Service User’s personal care is provided by qualified and competent Care Workers


All our Care and Support Workers are competent to undertake the activities for which they are employed and responsible. Newly appointed Care/Support Workers who do not hold a relevant care qualification are required to demonstrate their competence and register for a relevant NVQ in Care within the first six months of employment. However, they will only be allowed to work alone when they have began an appropriate care course towards NVQ in Care.


All Care and Support Workers receive regular supervision and have their standard of practice appraised annually

Care Workers meet formally with their manager to discuss their work on a regular basis. We will undertake direct observation of them delivering care, at the home of Service Users they regularly work with. We will ask Service User’s permission beforehand, if we plan to undertake an observation at Service User’s home.



Service User will be issued with a written contract provided by us within seven days of commencement of the service, unless the service is provided on behalf of the local authority.

The written contract will be signed by the Service User (or a named representative on Service User’s behalf) and the registered manager. A copy will be retained by Service User and a further copy will be kept by us on Service User’s personal file. The contract, together with this Service User guide, will comprise the terms and conditions on which our service is provided.

Service User will have seven days from signing the contract, to change his/her mind. If a service has been provided within the seven day cooling off period, Service User will be invoiced for the total number of hours provided.

Organisation and our business

Compliments and Complaints

Service User will be issued with a copy of the complaints policy and procedure as part of the Service User’s information file, and will be told how Service User can comment on any aspect of the service. All comments, including complaints, will be recorded and placed on Service User’s file and a copy will be held in the registered manager’s complaints/compliments file.


Our assurance to Service User

  • We will learn from each and every complaint, to help Service User and future Service Users and patient
  • All comments  and  complaints  will  be  taken  seriously,  investigated  thoroughly  and

confidentially, and resolved as quickly as possible.

  • We will be open and honest.
  • Apologies will be given when appropriat


Quality Assurance

Dream Community has in place a policy of continuous quality improvement with the aim of

maintaining and improving service standards.


Service User Feedback

Dream Community asks and expects feedback from all our Service Users to establish if they are happy or not with the service that they are receiving. We request written feedback following the placement of Care Workers, and also follow up feedback via a telephone call to ensure any issues are dealt with as soon as possible. We take our audit of information seriously and strive for continuous improvement.



Our Insurance

We have the following insurance policies:

Insurers – Covea Insurance


Employers Liability      £10 million Public Liability                        £ 5 million


Charges and method of payment

Rates will be agreed and verified with the Service Users prior to engagement of services. Service User will be invoiced on a monthly basis. Our payment terms are 14 days and payment can be made via BACS, standing order or cheque.


Any queries relating to invoices and charges can be raised with the finance department on 0208 985 2958.



Requests for additional support

Any requests for additional support on a private basis, should be made through the Dream Community office. If we are providing care on behalf of the Local Authority then Service User should speak to them in the first instance.

A Care Worker is forbidden from taking on a private task without reference to their manager. Care Workers are made aware of the potential danger to themselves and the Service User, of providing additional voluntary support and Dream Community may take disciplinary action against any Care Worker who has an inappropriate relationship with Service Users either within or outside their employment contract.